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Version: 2.0



You can download the Meta Extender installer with the web-based downloads portal. If you still need to subscribe to a Meta Extender plan, you can find all available options here, including how to start a subscription. Some browsers may issue a warning and ask if you want to keep EXE files - please choose to keep it!

Start installer

Next, please double click on the setup file to start the installation.

Starting of installation.png

Some users might see a warning from Windows when trying to run an EXE file. This warning can be bypassed by clicking on More info and then choosing Run anyway. It is planned to resolve this issue soon; in the meantime you can use the provided workaround. Please proceed with the setup and follow the instructions presented.

Windows installation warning.png

The installer will first display the applications that will be installed. Please note that the Meta Extender is exclusively available for MetaTrader 4, which will be indicated accordingly.

Applications to be installed.png

Select MetaTrader instance

During installation, you will be prompted to choose the MetaTrader instances on your computer where you wish to install the Meta Extender. The installer will scan your computer for all available MetaTrader instances compatible with the Meta Extender. Select your desired installation targets and proceed by clicking Next. The Meta Extender can be installed in multiple MetaTrader instances simultaneously.

Selection of metatrader instances.png

Your Meta Extender is now installed and ready to assist you with a wide range of professional trading widgets!

Discover application folder

The Meta Extender application uses some input and output folders to export the automatically generated trading journal, screenshots and store setting files. You can access the application folder by entering the designated path into your Windows folder browser.

%AppData%\MetaQuotes\Terminal\Common\Files\FEA Trading Live Data\<META_TRADER_INSTANCE_NAME>\Meta Extender 2.0

<META_TRADER_INSTANCE_NAME> shall be your MetaTrader instance name, for example, MetaTrader 4 IC Markets.

Alternatively, you can access this folder by opening the FEA Trading Live Data folder, which can be conveniently accessed via the desktop link or the link provided in the start menu and navigating through it.

Application folder on desktop and start menu.png

Please look into this folder whenever this user manual refers to the input or output files.

The application data folder is structured as follows.

Input and output folders used by the Meta Extender.png

As you can see, the root folder also includes an uninstaller tool. If you no longer want to use the Meta Extender, you can use this tool to remove it. The uninstaller will remove all files related to the application.