📄️ MAG - Magic Number
Parameters for the magic number
📄️ SLM - Stop Loss Manager
This page provides a detailed explanation of each input parameter, enabling you to configure the Stop Loss Manager widget to suit your needs. While the default input parameters offer a universally applicable configuration, tailoring the Stop Loss Manager widget to the specific symbol and timeframe you're working with is recommended. This might seem daunting initially for beginners, but rest assured, the default parameters are a great starting point. Professional and advanced traders will likely need different input settings for symbols and timeframes.
📄️ ISP - Inspector
This page provides an overview of the inspector engine and its input parameters. As discussed in the widgets section, the inspector calculates performance, drawdown, and statistics in real time based on closed and currently open trades. Performance and drawdown are computed for the current day, week, month, year, and since the start of the application. The values for specific periods are reset at the beginning of each period. For instance, the daily drawdown and performance are reset at midnight each day, and the weekly performance output is reset at the transition from Saturday to Sunday. These features allow you to verify your trading strategy's performance and drawdown quickly and precisely.