You can download the installer for the Stop Loss Manager with the web-based downloads portal. If you still need to subscribe to a Stop Loss Manager plan, you can find all available options here, including how to start a subscription. Please consider that some browsers throw a warning and question whether to keep EXE files. In this case, you want to do that. After the download, you will find the setup file in your download folder.
Start installer
Next, please double click on the setup file to start the installation.
Some users might see a warning from Windows when trying to run an EXE file. This warning can be bypassed by clicking on More info and then choosing Run anyway. It is planned to resolve this issue soon; in the meantime you can use the provided workaround. Please proceed with the setup and follow the instructions presented.
The installer will first display the applications that will be installed. Please note that the Stop Loss Manager is exclusively available for MetaTrader 4, which will be indicated accordingly.
Select MetaTrader instance
During installation, you will be prompted to choose the MetaTrader instances on your computer where you wish to install the Stop Loss Manager. The installer will scan your computer for all available MetaTrader instances compatible with the Stop Loss Manager. Select your desired installation targets and proceed by clicking Next. The Stop Loss Manager can be installed in multiple MetaTrader instances simultaneously.
Your Stop Loss Manager is now installed and ready to assist you with advanced and professional methods of trailing stop losses!